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Retired CSM Tom Behrends on Tim Walz's Military Exit

In a revealing interview on "The Joe Pags Show," retired Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Tom Behrends shared the real story behind Tim Walz’s controversial retirement from the military just before his unit's deployment to Iraq. Behrends, a veteran who served in the same battalion as Walz, addressed the accusations of stolen valor and shed light on the situation.

Behrends began by explaining the structure of military ranks and the responsibilities that come with them. He then explored why Walz might have chosen to retire just before his unit's deployment, suggesting that the decision was motivated by political gain.

He detailed the timeline, asserting that Walz was fully aware that his unit was scheduled to deploy to Iraq, yet still chose to step away. When asked if Walz ever used arms in war, Behrends responded with a firm "absolutely not," casting doubt on Walz's military credentials.

Behrends also explained how Walz could have retired honorably, implying that the path Walz took was anything but.

To hear Retired CSM Tom Behrends’s full interview with Joe Pags, click the link below.

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